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'Life Training for Men' is a 12-week programme created for one purpose: to train, empower, and equip men for the lives they want to live, and the men they want to become.

The programme works in three stages, each one of which is four-week long:

Stage 1: 'Restored Confidence'


This first stage takes the client through a reflective process during which his confidence levels are assessed. This process typically involves looking at the client's background and presenting him with opportunities for re-discovery and reclamation of his confidence.

Stage 2: 'Masterful Presence' 


This stage takes the freshly regained confidence and employs it in a new process, the goal of which is the development of masterful presence, free from self-consciousness, anxiety, or fear. This new stage is a lot more intense than the first one as it seeks to 'unleash' power from within — the power that is already gained in the first stage and must now be embodied for the full, physical nature of the results to be made manifest.


Typically, this second stage involves a certain amount of physical exercising.

Stage 3: 'Reforged Character'

Often seen as the most challenging, this stage takes the client on a journey of deeper discovery and reclamation of different parts of his character that have been rejected, repressed, or simply neglected for a long time. Using some of the 'tools' acquired in the first and the second stage, the client is empowered to 'take back' and recover lost gifts, abilities, and traits that can then be integrated into his new life. During this stage, the client is presented with the opportunity to re-assess, re-think, and re-evaluate different aspects of his real character.


These twelve weeks of training are designed to enables the committed client to step into new territories of life, work, and relationships, using newly gained depth of inner resources, qualities, and strengths, which would make him not only able to cope better with challenges, but actually thrive, and live a life of joy, fulfillment, and impact.

 If you are interested and want to find out more, you can book a free-of-charge discovery session, either in person or online, via Zoom or Skype.

To begin your journey and book your free discovery session, fill the form below:


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